Inwido is Europe's largest company within windows and a leading door supplier. They own multiple different product brands, each with their own identity and history. They wanted to increase awareness of the values of being part of the Inwido Group internally by rolling out their endorsement branding called "We ARE Inwido".
The Solution
So, instead of sending out a corporate message, we launched an internal campaign and competition called “Sharing is caring”, to boost dialogue and knowledge sharing.
My Contribution to the Project Was
Presenting a criteria matrix for the team to define the core of the concept
Participating in the strategy plan to create awareness and engagement
Setting the main theme for the campaign: knowledge sharing
Creating a fresh visual concept within the branding guidelines
Create design templates easy adaptable to different languages
Participating in channel ideas and producing mockups as well as final artwork for those
Take part in evaluation and follow up projects
The campaign included every employee – from staff within finance and sales to production and management. Lacking a natural way of reaching everyone resulted in a web solution as the hub of the competition where co-workers could learn about the initiative and send in their best tips in four categories: Windows, Doors, Work life and Life in general. But first the challenge was to find creative solutions to generate curiosity and action in different contexts.
My work also included developing a new graphical style and channels including the web solution, email newsletters, posters, presentation material, conversation starters, stickers and fun giveaways.